What is Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a very ancient system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that originated in China more than 2,000 years ago, making it one of the oldest and most commonly used medical procedures in the world. Acupuncture practitioners insert extremely fine, disposable needles with rounded tips just below the surface of the skin. This stimulates qi, the body’s cyclic energy flow (pronounced “chee” or “chi”). By balancing and redirecting qi, an acupuncture practitioner encourages the body’s natural capacity for self-healing. In turn, this improves the way the body functions.
How does acupuncture work?
Qiflows through the body along channels known as meridians. The body contains nearly 500 different acupuncture points located along these meridians. Modern science has actually shown that the body gives off slight electrical charges at these points. An imbalance or blockage in the flow of qi at these points can cause many ailments. Imbalances in qi flow can be caused by stress, anxiety, anger, fear, poor nutrition, and even changes in the weather. Acupuncturists concentrate on stimulating the body’s energy flow by unblocking these meridians. By restoring qi balance and flow, acupuncture allows the body to heal itself naturally, rather than through the more invasive use of synthetic drugs and injections via the bloodstream.
Is acupuncture hygienic?
Yes, acupuncture is completely hygienic. Only sterilized, disposable needles are used.
Does acupuncture hurt?
Most patients find acupuncture painless and soothing. Some even fall asleep during treatment! It’s natural for people who have grown up getting vaccinated to associate the extremely thin acupuncture needles with vaccination needles, which are much larger. Acupuncture needles are inserted just underneath the skin. Dr. Hong uses the kind of needles that have plastic tubes that press against the skin before the needle is inserted. The pressure of the tube against the skin distracts the patient from the minor prick of the needles. Thanks to the use of the plastic tube, most patients do not feel pain at all. Patients should rest assured that Dr. Hong strives to minimize any discomfort through her gentle and painless technique.
How deep do the needles go?
Needles may be inserted from one quarter of an inch to one inch below the skin's surface, depending on the location of the acupuncture point on the body and the condition being treated. Dr. Hong also considers the patient's size, age and constitution when determining how deeply the needles will penetrate the skin.
How long will the needles be in place?
This varies with each patient. Typically acupuncture appointments last for one hour. The needles are inserted and left for 20-40 minutes at a time.
What happens during an appointment?
The first part of any appointment is based on conversation, as Dr. Hong listens while the patient describes the symptoms they have been experiencing. She then asks about the patient’s medical history in order to get a feel for his or her overall health. Dr. Hong will also takes the patient’s pulse in three different places on each wrist in order to determine how well certain organs and body are functioning. She also examines the patient’s tongue. The tongue’s color and coating can reveal a lot about a person’s overall health. Sometimes patients are very surprised when Dr. Hong is able to anticipate their symptoms.
After the consultation, Dr. Hong sterilizes the skin and inserts tiny disposable needles into certain acupuncture points on the body, depending on the patient’s condition. Each placed in a specific location in order to optimize qi flow. After 20-40 minutes, Dr. Hong removes the needles. Most patients find the process very relaxing, and many fall asleep during treatment.

How many treatments does it take?
Depending on the condition being treated, acupuncture treatments can last from one week to several months, or longer. Typically, acupuncture patients begin by receiving treatments twice a week at the clinic with Dr. Hong. As a patient’s condition improves, treatments become less frequent until the patient is cured of their illness. While some illnesses remain incurable, acupuncture can go a long way toward alleviating discomfort. Some patients come to Dr. Hong for a “tune up” a few times every year or monthly in order to maintain an optimum level of health and keep illnesses at bay.
When will I feel better?
Some patients feel better after one treatment. Other patients need five or six treatments before they feel better. Depending on a patient’s condition and how their body responds to acupuncture, it can take up to six treatments before the patient notices a marked change in the way they feel.
I'm afraid of needles. Is it possible to undergo treatment without needles?
There are techniques used by Dr. Hong that do not involve needles. They are Electrical Micro-Current, Cupping, Moxibustion, T.D.P. Lamp, Acupressure, However, Dr. Hong believes that the best results are obtained by using needles. “In the experience of most acupuncture practitioners, regular acupuncture needles work best,” she says. Dr. Hong also specializes in herbal treatments that can be used without acupuncture.
Can acupuncture be used as preventative medicine?
Yes. Research has now verified that acupuncture stimulates immune functioning, which can increase your resistance to bacterial and viral infection. Acupuncture increases overall energy and vitality, and it helps the body respond to injury and stress. Regular, monthly treatments can help you maintain good health and a sense of well-being.
What does acupuncture treat?
Currently, the NIH has determined that acupuncture is effective in helping over 40 different disease categories. Here is a list of illnesses and conditions for which acupuncture has been proven to be effective. It is possible to treat these and many other conditions with acupuncture and Chinese medicine. It is a safe, painless and effective way to treat a wide variety of medical problems.
• Addictions
• Allergies
• Ankle Swelling
• Anxiety
• Arm and Shoulder Pain
• Arthritis
• Attention Deficit Disorder
• Back Pain
• Bed Wetting
• Blood Pressure
• Bronchial Conditions
• Bursitis
• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
• Circulatory Issues
• Colds
• Colitis
• Constipation
• Cough
• Depression
• Detox
• Diarrhea
• Diabetes
• Diverticulitis
• Dizziness
• Emphysema
• Fatigue
• Feet
• Fibroids
• Fibromyalgia
• Flu
• Gall Bladder Disorders
• Gas
• Gynecological Concerns
• Hay Fever
• Headache
• Heart Problems
• Hemorrhoids
• Hip Pain
• Hypertensioin (High Blood Pressure)
• Immune System Deficiency
• Impotence
• Indigestion
• Infertility
• Injuries
• Insomnia
• Joint Pain
• Kidney Problems
• Knee Pain
• Leg Pain, Cramps
• Liver Problems
• Menstrual Problems/Pain
• Neck Pain, Stiffness
• Nervousness
• Neuralgia
• Pain
• Pregnancy Symptoms
• Prostate Problems
• Psoriasis
• Rheumatism
• Sciatica
• Shingles
• Shoulder Pain
• Sinus Trouble
• Skin Problems
• Sleep Problems
• Sports Injuries
• Stomach Problems
• Stress
• Sore Throat
• Thyroid Conditions
• Ulcers
• Urinary Problems
• Weight Loss
• And many more
If you are wondering if acupuncture can help you with a different or specific condition, please call our clinic and speak with Dr. Hong directly.