
Our clinic has become one of the most successful practices in the South Bay area

What is Chiropractic


According to The Association of Chiropractic Colleges, "chiropractic is a health care discipline which emphasizes the inherent recuperative power of the body to heal itself without the use of drugs or surgery. The practice of chiropractic focuses on the relationship between structure (primarily the spine) and function (as coordinated by the nervous system) and how that relationship affects the preservation and restoration of health."

What are the origins of Chiropractic Care?
The "founding father" of chiropractic, Dr. D.D. Palmer, developed a theory that spinal misalignment caused nerve pressure or irritation which in turn caused various ailments. He realized that the structure and condition of the body influenced how the body functioned and its ability to heal itself, without the use of drugs or surgery. This simple philosophy has healed people and has prevented unwanted injury and illness for over a century!

What is the Chiropractic perspective?
The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. The brain is divided into sections and stores and receives an incredible amount of information. But this information needs a way to get in and out. Nerves provide a pathway for this information to travel, and the spinal cord is made up of bundles of these nerves. The spine both houses and protects the spinal cord. Nerve dysfunction can result from any number of factors, such as falls, accidents, stress, tension, or over-use. These events can alter our "wiring" and create pain or discomfort in our bodies.

How does Chiropractic care get to the source of the problem?
Doctors of chiropractic are trained to locate the source of the pain or discomfort— it may actually be far from the actual location where the symptom is occurring— and then we correct or adjust the joints in the body and set it up to heal on its own. Of course, the type of correction or adjustment employed by the chiropractor depends on the condition being treated, but you get the main idea. The important thing to remember is that chiropractic success occurs by addressing the source of the problem, not just masking the symptoms.

How does Chiropractic care contribute to Holistic efficiency?
Because helping the body heal itself involves many facets, chiropractors also provide lifestyle advice to help prevent illness and injury. Diet & nutrition, fitness, ergonomics, and other areas in your life contribute, or diminish, your overall health. By making the right choices, one can live a life full of wellness and vitality.

What are some of the conditions that Chiropractic care can treat?
Chiropractic care is effective for a wide variety of conditions. The following is a partial list of some of the most common. If you do not see your specific condition listed, we encourage you to give us a call so we can personally address your particular concerns.

Allergies are often treated with chiropractic care. Many allergic and asthmatic reactions are caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system and/or respiratory system. Researchers have found that the immune and respiratory systems depend on normal communication from the brain and spinal cord to control and coordinate their functions.
If your neck is misaligned, it could cause an imbalance in your nervous system function. This upper cervical spinal joint irritation could possibly produce or exaggerate asthmatic and allergic symptoms. While many asthma and allergy sufferers recall specific traumas (e.g., head injuries, auto accidents, or falls) which could have injured their upper cervical spines, some do not.
Come in and visit our offices and we can perform an upper cervical examination and determine if your allergic reactions could be helped by chiropractic care.



Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)
CTS has become one of the most widespread occupational health problems we face today. It affects millions of people a year, and with our growing reliance on computers there seems to be no end in sight. The syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nerve just above the wrist. Pressure on this nerve can be caused by an injury or sustained use from common activities like typing, chopping, hammering, or pushing. Symptoms of CTS range from wrist pain, numbness, tingling, burning, weakness or loss of grip strength, and loss of sleep due to discomfort.
There are a number of different ways to treat this condition. In most cases, a chiropractic adjustment to the affected area is an extremely effective solution. In some cases, a misalignment in either the back or neck can cause this condition, and chiropractic manipulation of the neck and/or spine can also serve as an effective treatment option.
These treatments, along with physical therapy, stretching, and strengthening exercises, can in most cases effectively alleviate and eventually eliminate the symptoms associated with CTS.

Disc Problems

Discs are the cartilage pads that separate and cushion and help connect the vertebrae that make up your spinal column. They serve as shock absorbers between each of the vertebrae and are constantly subjected to the pull of gravity and the torque from everyday movement. Disc problems can be the result of genetics, the normal "wear and tear" of aging, and injury.
Disc function is greatly affected by the alignment of the spine. A subluxation or structural imbalance can force a disc to bulge, protrude, or herniate, which then can result in contact with the nerves and cause pain.
This common back problem is one we see frequently. We effectively treat this malady by realigning the vertebrae and returning the spine to its normal range of motion, thereby reducing the pressure on the discs and spinal joints. We also incorporate physical therapy as well as strengthening exercises for the abdominal and back muscles. Core stabilization is essential for prevention of subsequent disc problems.

Headaches are common in our fast-paced, pressure-filled world. There are many causes of headaches, including physical trauma, emotional stress, nutritional deficiencies, or chemical toxins. In addition, if your neck and/or back are out of alignment, this can affect nerves, muscles, and even blood flow to your head. Too often, we turn to over-the-counter medications to relieve our discomfort. Unfortunately, these only mask the underlying sources of pain.
After your initial chiropractic examination, we can determine if chiropractic health care is the best alternative for treating your chronic headaches. A combination of chiropractic adjustments and nutritional and lifestyle changes can dramatically reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches.
It is important to know that if you've suffered from chronic headaches for years, improvement can take time. But a visit to our offices is a great place to start. Every headache has a cause, and if we are unable to identify the cause, we will refer you to other specialists who may be able to help. (See also: Neurological conditions.)

Joint dysfunction
Joint dysfunction is the condition most often treated at our offices, and we are specially trained to treat joint disorders. Joint or articular problems are caused by osteoarthitis (degenerative joint disease), subluxations, sprains, intervertebral disc problems, and various abnormal changes in the curve of the spine. Joints that are aligned improperly or are impaired will begin to degenerate rapidly if not attended to promptly and properly.
Adjustment procedures, physical therapy, and rehabilitation exercises are very effective in treating joint disorders. As with all conditions we treat, we will be happy to refer you to another health-care provider if you are not a candidate for chiropractic.

Neurological conditions
Neurological conditions such as headaches, neuritis (inflammation of any part of a nerve, other than the nerve root), and radiculitis (inflammation of a nerve root as it exits the spine) are the most commonly treated neurological cases in the chiropractic profession. Radiculitis is a common source of shoulder, arm and hand pain. With neuritis, patients sometimes experience sensations called paresthesias (feelings of tingling, hot spots, cold spots, crawling sensations, stinging, and burning). Loss of equilibrium/vertigo and movement disorders are also conditions seen in our office.
Because neurological problems can be extremely serious and even life-threatening, these situations may call for a referral or co-management with other health-care professionals.

Osteoarthritis is the degeneration of the cartilage and bones of joints caused by "wear-and-tear" processes. It is often associated with age but is really a result of poor movement within that joint. The dysfunctional movement causes a strain as well as a loss of motion. If these poorly moving joints are exposed to continued trauma such as strenuous exercise, weakened muscles, and the inevitable factors of time and heredity, the results can be debilitating.
While chiropractic cannot halt the process of osteoarthritis, early detection and treatment is key. We can improve the quality of life while living with the disease and hopefully slow the progression. If you're suffering from osteoarthritis, your spine is usually less flexible; therefore, it becomes more vulnerable to injury. Under our care, your treatment may include spinal adjustments, physical therapy, and stretching and strengthening exercises. We can also recommend natural, drug-free ways to control your pain and discomfort.

Whiplash is the common name given to the injury where there is a hyperextention (increased backward motion) and hyperflexion (increased forward motion) of the cervical (neck) spine. More simply put, the head is dramatically thrust forward and backward. Car accidents and falls can cause whiplash injuries.
Symptoms of whiplash include headaches; visual disturbance; stiffness of the neck; restriction of movement; and shoulder, neck, or arm pain. These symptoms may or may not be felt immediately. It is estimated that most whiplash injuries are not felt for several hours, days, and in some cases even months or years following the accident.
Even if you are not in pain following a whiplash incident, it is important to receive prompt attention to your injury, as the structural balance of your neck and spine is important to your health. We can assist in your recovery by correctly adjusting your neck and/or spine so it has the chance to heal properly. In addition, we can recommend physical therapy, stretching and strengthening exercises, and natural anti-inflamatories to put you back on the road to good health